Wednesday 30 October 2013

Poor attitude of parents in Kamwenge S/C is negatively affecting the enrollment and performance of UPE schools in Kamwenge district.

For instance in Kyabandara P/S with 307 pupils, 30 pupils dropped out of school this term. 14 girls and 16 boys, some girls got married e.g one by the name of Namudu Babra who was in P.5,  other pupils are just being taken to gardens to cultivate crops by their parents.
Although 850,224/= were released for this school as a UPE fund (implying that the government is playing its role), the number of school drop outs is still high as shown above.
Also only 5 grade ones were scored in PLE last yera2012 out of 21 and only 1 grade 1 in 2011 out of 53 pupils.

If the parents don’t play their role of encouraging their children to attend school, then the number of drop outs will still increase hence failing the achievement of UPE goals in this area.
In addition, the school has 21 children with special needs; that is mental -1, difficult in communication -1, hearing impairment -11, visual impairment-5 and 3 physically handicapped.
Although the government has played its role of proving 1 teacher for special needs Ms.Komugisha Sarah, the parents have not contributed anything as far as providing better sanitary facilities for these vulnerable children which are lacking yet the available latrines used by the whole school are in bad shape and in need of repairs.
There is need to emphasize the role of parents in the education system as so as to work with the duty bearers to achieve a common goal.

By Nabankema Victoria (KALI)

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