Wednesday 30 October 2013

Farmers’ incomes have been improved in Kabambiro Sub County in Kamwenge district due to proper governance of NAADS programs.

KALI is implementing a project on Enhancing Civic Competence on Social Accountability in the Rwenzori Region to empower the citizens to demand social accountability from the civil servants and the elected leaders in regard to service delivery in Education and NAADS.
On the 22nd of October 2013, KALI carried out a joint monitoring exercise with relevant stake holders in the sub counties of Kamwenge district and realized that farmers in Kabambiro Sub County were appreciating the performance of NAADS in their area.

Total NAADS budget Expected for Kabambiro S/C was 80,632,000/= that is 77,757,026/= as a release from government and 2,874,974/= as co-funding money from farmers.
Fortunately; 77,404,220/= was received that is 76,399,220/= as a release 2012/2013 and 1,065,000/=as co-funding from farmers. 

At the sub county, there is 3 staff that is sub county NAADs coordinator and 2 extension workers. These monitor and advise on NAADS programs accordingly throughout the sub county.
At the parish level, there are CBFs (Community Based Facilitators) who help out with mobilizing groups for trainings, co-funding and monitoring.  Since the sub county has 4 parishes, there are 4 CBFs. The CBFs work hand in hand with the group promoters who are also 4 in number.

Village level approach for farmer mobilization and village procurement committees are used.
Advisory services are handled by agriculture advisory service providers. For instance, 1365 farmers received advisory services in this financial year.
The interventions during the financial year 2012/2013 focused on food security, market orientation and commercializing farmer grants.

The enterprises are selected according to individual villages basing on the durability and yield potential of the enterprise in that particular village.
Beneficiaries are selected through groups. For market orientated and commercializing farmers, they are mobilized to form groups of not more than 15 people.  2 farmers are supported per group. A total of 109 groups were formed and supported during this financial year.
Groups are formed through recruited and trained group promoters and farmers are mobilized to strengthen their groups and form new ones continuously. Registration of these groups is done at all levels from village to sub county at free of charge.

The sub county procured 12, 50% Friesian crosses each costing 750,000/=. 12 market oriented farmers have been supported, 2 farmers have benefited from the  Commercialization farmers grant forinstance; 1 farmer from Kabambiro (Mbonyebyombi Vicent) bought a coffee pulp for coffee wet processing; another farmer (Ndayareba James) from Nyamashegwa bought a sugar cane squeezer for alcohol production.
For food security; the sub county procured 84kg of beans, 2022k of gnuts seed, 616kg of peas, and 220hoes.

Case scenario for Mr.Rugaya Bahunga Franscis a NAADS beneficiary in Kabambiro S/C.
He has been involved in this program for 2 years now and was given 250 banana suckers at the start and now has over 200 banana plants not including their suckers.
In a month, he collects approximately 40 bunches of matooke from his plantation which is on a 8 acre piece of land, he sells each bunch at 5,000/=. This implies that in a month he can earn 200,000/= from bananas. He also sells suckers to other farmers and sells each at500/=.
He has managed through the money got from his plantation to buy 2 cows, 1 motorcycle and a maize shelling machine.

By Nabankema Victoria (KALI)

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