KALI-Kasese in partnership with SNV
and Kasese District Local Government is implementing a Sustainable Sanitation
and Hygiene for All (SS4HA) project phase III in Bwera Sub County in Kasese
District. Through this partnership, KALI has been working with the existing
Local Government structures to plan and implement interventions towards
sustainable sanitation and hygiene promotion in the above district. This was
done for the local authorities to fully own the project through facilitation of
learning platforms and deliberate on modalities of fostering ODF attendance,
sustenance, scaling up and mainstreaming Sanitation & Hygiene in their sub
county activities.
Total no of Household
No. of HH without latrines
Kakone I
Kyogha Central I
Nyamughona II
In Bwera Sub County 8 villages were to be triggered because of the high numbers of latrine defaulters in those villages and so far 6 villages have already been triggered. The major aim of the triggering session is to activate the need or the demand for sanitation by the people or the communities' themselves for better sanitation and hygiene practices. Triggering session involves the participation of the members of the community in learning the dangers of eating raw feaces like Typhoid, cholera and other hygiene related diseases, members of the community drawing their village map and plotting possible open defecation sites, taking a transact walk through the village and then attend the food and water experiment.
During the food and water experiment, members of the villages are shown how contaminated water with feaces may look clean unless the water is contaminated in their presence. The same applies to food.
From such demonstrations, the members of the village get to know how they have been eating feaces from whoever practices open defecation and then the village decide on the action points that the natural leaders and KALI have to follow it up.
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Members of Kalehe Village feeling disgusted after Kule Obed put a stick with feaces in water and demanded one of them to drink the water. This is a Behavior Communication Change strategy |
The main target is to make sure people understand how the have been eating feaces which are mainly the cause of their illness where they spend a lot of money on treatment. So to prevent these unnecessary expenditures, the community gear their efforts towards latrine construction and thus attaining Open Defecation Free village status.
KALI will ensure that the villages that are declared ODF are
linked to the parish and sub county structures, where the later will continue
to monitor and oversee sustenance of ODF and improved hygiene and sanitation behavioral practices in the respective villages.
Prepared by
Gilbert Masereka
Program Officer - WASH
Its a responsibility of all community members to ensure clean and safe environment and homesteads. We should all endevour to adopt to good sanitation practices if we want to live healthy and prosperous lives. Thanks KALI and team for the innitiative